08 November 2008

Thoughts on Obama

This past Tuesday the US did something we've never done before, we elected a man in an election that a lot of people thought he could never win. Me & my brother included. I've thought about this for several days and have drawn some conclusions.

  • Race. I'm proud of my country for surprising me. I thought that race would be a bigger factor than it was, but even in southern states Obama did well. I was worried that he might lose due to this factor, and expected to be somewhat embarrassed by it if he did. I'm glad this didn't come to pass.
  • Religion. I don't quite understand how religion plays such a huge factor in any election to office in a supposedly secular country. I find it difficult to believe that Obama hasn't been affected by listening to rants from his clergyman, and I worry about it's influence on his thinking process. I can't wait for the day when the first atheist gets elected to high office, maybe they'll be a scientist too. I'm sick of fighting about who has the best imaginary friend, be it in an election or world politics.
  • Electioneering. This is just a general rant about the advertising of politics. I wish there were some way of being able to screen out commercials, radio ads, and there's a special hate for the signs along the road. I have considered putting together an initiative to require a bond for placement of the signs, and a requirement to account for them w/in 72 hours of the polls closing, or forfeit the bond, and pay for the collection of their signs over and above the bond. Maybe a bounty. This has obvious problems (Joe-bob going around collecting signs all during the election & then presenting them for payment, however, this does suit my requirements, there will be less signs). It's an idea in the formative stages, got any suggestions? Back to electioneering, I wish candidates would focus on what they plan to do, how they're going to do it, and how they're going to pay for it. What I don't want to hear is how bad the other candidate is, or their lack of education, scruples, whatever. I simply don't care and don't want to hear about it. In the end, all politicians are crooks of some sort or another, as paraphrased from The Hunt for Red October "I'm a politician, that means when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing candy from them." On this count I have to give Obama high marks, he struck out at McCain about his record, etc. but he managed to run a pretty decent campaign, and I thought some of his steps here were particularly classy, like staying away from Sarah Palin's daughter's pregnancy story. It was very nice to see him not only keep his campaign workers away from the story, but to go out of his way to publicly state his stance so there was no question.
  • Organization. High marks here as well. Obama gets the power of the internet, which means that the Democrats had an edge over the Republicans who don't seem to understand the power. This is a lesson they need to learn, and quickly, or they face continued domination by the Democrats.
  • Socialism. This is probably my biggest complaint with Obama's platform. His Robin of Loxley complex. While I make nowhere near his $250k lower threshold, I don't see the benefit of taxing the rich at a higher rate simply because they've done well for themselves. This has three deleterious effects as far as my economics education goes:
  1. Taxing someone or their corporation at a higher rate because of same random cut off point discourages growth. If I had a company that had been creeping towards the quarter million/year point, it would be advantageous to stay below that threshold simply to avoid the higher taxes.
  2. This leads to fewer jobs. If I'm trying to stay below the threshold, I'm not going to hire more people to push my business across the line unless I can step boldly across that line to support the new tax rate & make enough more money to afford it. This is similar to how over time works, there is a break over point where it costs you more to work more, so you get paid less for working more because the rate at which you get taxed changes. When I was working tons of hours at MSFT as a contractor, I calculated this breakover point at 63 hours, and I had to work another nine hours before I started making money again. This leads to:
  3. Take my ball & go home. If they're going to be taxed out of step with the rest of the country, why work at it so hard? In fact, why work at it at all? Why not retire early & see the world? In doing so they're relieved of the tax burden, they're no longer paying for medical insurance, or any other benefits they might have offered their erstwhile employees, no leases, no nothing except do I want a Mai Tai or a Pina Colada for breakfast?

    Obviously these are generalizations and a lot of people would stay in business simply out of loyalty to their employees and customers. But if enough do take their ball & go home, it'll hurt the economy. Also, I'm not an economics major, these are just my observations and leanings from a Republican upbringing. However, I still feel angered to think that my taxes are going to pay for other people's benefits who are too lazy to get up and work for themselves. I don't mind paying taxes for a number of social programs, especially schools, teachers, preschool, tutoring, free lunches & books. I view all of these as beneficial to everyone. A well educated populace is far less prone to crime, makes far more money, and hence pays more taxes, and benefits everyone. I don't see the same benefit for socialized medicine, if you've got the education, you don't need to have socialized medicine, the economy can support the expense as provided by your employer who passes on that expense to their customers. In the end, we all pay for each other's medical expenses simply by existing in a given economy, there's no need for the government to provide it for you simply because they can. Use the money instead for better teachers, schools, etc. I also don't mind paying for infrastructure, in order for me to pay for my family's expenses, I have to drive fifty two miles round trip each day, to do that, I have to drive on roads that were paid for out of the public coffers. If instead I had to go overland in my 4x4 to get there each day, well, I probably wouldn't be working there, it would simply cost too much in fuel, repairs, and beat up kidneys to do so. So I'm glad there are fairly nice roads to drive on that we, the taxpayers paid for.


Zue Murphy said...

Hi, I am one of Rita's friend. I agree with you especially about the tax brack. You make a good point there. Obama will demoralise people from Working hard and make more money. However, I thought Obama is thr closest of being atheist. Republican is very strong believer in. Religion. That is why we hear many teenagers making babies. School are not allowed to provide safe sex education under bush administration. I really hope this country will be better under Obama. I don't have confidence on him.first he said 250kl then he changed it to 200k. I am not surprise if he put higher taxes for income 50k above next.

daveg said...

You make a very good point about sex education. It's irresponsible of any political party to deny any child education that will help them prevent pregnancy, sexual diseases, date rape, or simply understand their bodies, etc. Republicans tend to be more right wing religous, while Democrats tend to be more left wing in their thinking, and I believe they have an edge on the Republicans when it comes to education. I worry about him listening to Reverend Wright for two decades, and wonder what will come of that influence.

Thanks for taking the time to read parts of my blog.

Bee Ean said...


This is Bee Ean, a reader from Rita's blog. I live in France.

Thanks for sharing your thought. I have one question. About the health care, basically people need to have a job to be able to enjoy the medical care. What is your view on people who simply couldn't find a job or are self employed? I know of an American/French couple, the husband is self employed at 72 and he has to depend on his wife for medical coverage. His wife has to keep working if not they both won't have any medical coverage. Eventually, they choose to move to France as since he is the citizen both of them can enjoy free health care.

I don't like paying taxes and benefit people who are lazy. But I just have to admit that sometimes people don't have much choice, they want badly a job but they just can't secure one (my case for a while). I see this in Malaysia, even though people work, their income simply couldn't afford a good medical care, and they are so helpless when one of the family members is diagnosed with serious disease.

daveg said...

Bee Ean,
You also raise a good point. Here in the US we have Medicare & Medicaid to help pay for both the elderly & indigent folks who simply can't afford health care. I won't pretend that this is a good system because it's rife with corruption, fraud and outright thievery on the part of doctors, health care givers, and especially medical equipment providers, etc., but it's what we have. Rita & I have been in the situation where we had to provide our own healthcare, and it's not cheap to do. In fact one of the reasons I stay on here in my job is that they provide pretty good healthcare insurance. I don't have a good solution, and can't even cite a good example. Socialized medicine sounds like a good idea until you see it in action (try to get an appointment to see a doctor in a socialized medicine country, it's always faster to pay a private practitioner). Perhaps if private practice wasn't allowed, but that would stifle competition. I don't know what the answer is, I just know that I don't want to pay for other people's healthcare if they're capable of working themselves to earn their own. Of course, I'm also a white male in a country dominated by white males (hah!), so my view of the problem is almost certainly skewed simply by my upbringing and social standing. Perhaps Mr. Obama can bring such prosperity to our country that providing for other's healthcare becomes an afterthought, but I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Taxes are paid onthe monday you earn. If you donm;t earn money, you don;t pay taxes. I'll leave out the cynical side that says unless you make a bazillion dollars, that's when you get to stop paying taxes again... or perhaps I won;t leave it out.

If you move to a higher tax rate, you only pay teh higher rate on the money you earn over the limit. So if you pay 18% up to 150K, and pay 22% up to 250k, you only pay the 22% on the 50K delta. Like wise if the next bracket is at 250K as you suggest, and the rate goes up to 26%, (BTW these steps and %'s are pulled directly from my sphincter)then I pay another 4% of tha delta.
So if I'm making 249k, and I see how to increase that to 300K, am I really going to STOP increasing my effort because I get to keep a few % less of that next 50K? Really? Are you sure?

My accountant tells me he wants me to pay MORE taxes. Huh? WTF am I paying you for? Ha says he, the only way you're going to pay more taxes is if you're m ing more money. IF your rate goes up another 4%, you're STILL making 96% more money...

And if you want to debate Obama, then look a bit closer at the whole package. Donm;pt let a moron like Palin tell you about just the higher taxes bi. His plan as described will actaully LOWER the rate on the first 250K, so JtP can be making his 250 that much quicker, as with less taxes, he's got more to plumb back into his business, so he can add staff faster, adn pay them more.

Next silly argument? :P

Bee Ean said...


Speaking from personal experience, I always manage to get an appointment within the same day or the day after in my town in France. While in the US, some doctors told us that they don't take in new patient so we have to search for another one. Once hubby went to the emergency in Austin and we literally had to pay out of our own pocket USD150 (deductible from our company insurance) just to see the doctor for 5 minutes. In France my appointment usually last for 30 minutes. Beside working and having insurance in US, we both were scared to get sick bcos each time we have to pay out some money as co payment or deductible.

Anyway, beside getting good health care in France I think there are too many abuses for the medical system. So, I wish someone can come out with a solution that can help the poor but at the same time stop people from abusing it.

Pak Zawi said...

We don't know about the fine points of Obama's manisfesto for the elction but we just cannot take anymore of Bush after the lie to go to war with Iraq. More people of Iraq suffer from his war than from the hands of Saddam. Look at the destruction the war left behind. Hopefully Obama can change this. Without money I don't expect Obama to be able to do much. So much money and lives was wasted on an unnecessary war. That is how I feel about Bush and his party.